January 25, 2011

Life's 3 Great Loves

I always said that I believed that in this Life, one is entitled to 3 Great Loves.
  • The One Who Loves You The Most.
  • The One Who Your Love The Most.
  • The One You Love For All Of Your Life

Each of them takes a piece of your heart with them. Could they be anyone, or possibly.. anything?

Yet I feel that I have already met 2 of the 3? As for the remaining 1, I'm saving for my flesh and blood.

Don't get me wrong. I have more than enough of my heart to spare! But I truly feel that I can only offer that final facet of me to a child of my own. =)

And if you are reading this, thanks for teaching me the lesson and for the wonderful 3 years.

If you're fortunate, you will never see me again.

January 2, 2011

Staying Where You Belong.

Imagine fighting so hard for 3 years to be in a relationship with someone.

Then one day waking up wondering if you'd both truly been yourselves during the whole damn affair.

It doesn't sit well on the stomach.

But it's best to put these doubts and questions back into a place where they belong. In your memories, which you'll inevitably forget.