January 25, 2011

Life's 3 Great Loves

I always said that I believed that in this Life, one is entitled to 3 Great Loves.
  • The One Who Loves You The Most.
  • The One Who Your Love The Most.
  • The One You Love For All Of Your Life

Each of them takes a piece of your heart with them. Could they be anyone, or possibly.. anything?

Yet I feel that I have already met 2 of the 3? As for the remaining 1, I'm saving for my flesh and blood.

Don't get me wrong. I have more than enough of my heart to spare! But I truly feel that I can only offer that final facet of me to a child of my own. =)

And if you are reading this, thanks for teaching me the lesson and for the wonderful 3 years.

If you're fortunate, you will never see me again.